Chalk and Chuckles

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Chalk and Chuckles Seek Four

Seek 4 cards of either the same emotions or 4 cards with different emotions. Seek with creativity .. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Dig up

There are orders to be completed and you need to collect the food as fast as you can. Spin the spin.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Happy Mealtime

The cards help you to connect better with your kids by bringing forth their thoughts opinions desire.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Shape your story

Unleash your creativity by changing shapes into objects/characters or whatever you wish and make tho.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Monkey Expression

Designed as a discovery tool with a creative twist this puzzle helps. Children not only learn emoti.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Get Puzzled

See a mixture of 2D and 3D shapes: squares rectangles triangles diamonds hexagons and cubes. Take .. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Pajama Party

Hes invited his friends over and they have come dressed in a mixture of color.. Theres cake drinks.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Jack in the box

Clown around having fun learning 5 colours . In a colourful dice game f_r 24 players. Age Group 2 .. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Grammar Wise

Have fun matching words and parts of speech and be the first to get rid of all your tokens. How to .. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Spell cat

Let the child choose a spelling picture word card and place the letter tiles in the correct sequence.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Taxi on the Run

Mysteriously none of you remember your own taxi numbers but know each others. Both of you have decid.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Beware of the Shark

All of a sudden the Fish see a Shark ready to grab them. They move quickly but so does the Shark. .. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Claim and Save

Played like bingo the game is delicious. Its a fun flexible activity where you start with simple pi.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Lettuce Play

Chalk and Chuckles . Lettuce Play food Fun. Age Group 3 to 6 .. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles laughing kookaburra

If you draw an interference card perform the activity in all. Its seriousness before pointing to th.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles A day in the Jungle

It is a fun flexible activity that can be used at both home and in the classrooms. The game is soci.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Hungrrrry Four

Can you feed them exercising your memory muscles Set them up some distance away from you and lay the.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Rolling Tales

Rolling tales is designed to bring excitement in oral and written storytelling. The 9 dice consist .. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Moody Snakes

What happened Why is the snake suddenly angry Is there something in the vessel Spot the happy sad .. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Season Wise

The seasons change from sun to snow but theres so much more to know. Have fun in this quick thinki.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Sort in the box

It consists of 4 boxes in a box. It has 60 object tiles to sort by class/attributes in 3 different .. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Super Math Spy

Material Wood and nontoxic inks Includes 100 mission cards . 4 decoder glasses . 1 die 27 fingerp.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Why Connect

Score points by connecting picture tiles that must have a relationship between them. Say your reas.. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Plant and Paint

Long long ago people used to make colours from roots nuts and flowers. Join the froggie as he goes .. . . .Read more
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Chalk and Chuckles Long Legs

Practice Counting Addition subtraction and multiplication while having a whole lot of fun. Join th.. . . .Read more
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