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Science, Nature & Technology

Science, Nature & Technology

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Bulging Brains - Horrible Science

Fact files, quizzes, teacher tests and cartoons are included Author-Nick Arnold Category-Non-Fic.. . . .Read more
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Freaky Peaks - Horrible Geography

Wave goodbye to boring geography lessons as you scale the heady heights of Freaky Peaks. Author-An.. . . .Read more
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Desperate Deserts - Horrible Geography

Follow in the footsteps of daring desert explorers? Author-Anita Ganeri Category-Non-Fiction S.. . . .Read more
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Raging Rivers - Horrible Geography

Go white-water rafting through hair-raising rapids? Author-Anita Ganeri Category-Non-Fiction S.. . . .Read more
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Evil Inventions - Horrible Science

Dare you discover: the bottom-stabbing bike saddle? The head-chopping machine operated by a sheep? T.. . . .Read more
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Blood Bones and Body Bits - Horrible Science

About this author Nick Arnold is the author of the award winning series, Horrible Science and Wild .. . . .Read more
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Bloomin' Rain Forests - Horrible Geography

Peer down from the tallest trees to the planet? Author-Anita Ganeri Category-Non-Fiction Serie.. . . .Read more
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